Design Process. From dream to dream come true.

initial introduction

Hi, I’m Pye

After completing the questionnaire in the “contact” section of my website, we will schedule a meeting to get to know each other and discuss your lifestyle needs and landscape dreams.

Using all this information, I will put together a “Partnership Proposal” where I will outline the general project goals to ensure we are on the same page.

in-person meeting and site analysis

Upon approving the Partnership Proposal and signing a contract, all relevant parties will meet on-site to go over the project in more detail. I will then remain on the property to perform a site analysis, recording the property’s geographical aspects and microclimates, taking photos from multiple vantage points, measurements, and triangulation, identifying relevant plant life, etc.


 Honoring your needs and considering all relevant details, I will develop and present a “Schematic Phase Package”. Using schematic illustrations, inspiration images, reference photos and information to communicate different conceptual layouts, aesthetic themes, plants and materials, and spatial relationships between new and existing elements. 

preliminary design phase

After reviewing the “Schematic Phase Package” we will collaborate to narrow down desired design concepts and elements. Iterations and amendments will be made until a preliminary design is approved.

final render and master plan

Hand drawn, to scale, full-color rendering and master plan with plant legend and material details.

You now have everything you need to DIY or have contractors bid out and install your dream space.